A widely deployable and OpenAire-compatible DSpace usage data collector for LA Referencia

This poster is part of the OR2020 Virtual Poster Session taking place in the week of June 1-5. We encourage you to ask questions and engage in discussion on this poster by using the comments feature. Authors will respond to comments in this week.


Lautaro Matas (LA Referencia), César Olivares (CONCYTEC – Perú), Washington Segundo (IBICT – Brazil), Vanderlino Neto (CNEN – Brazil), Rino Vargas (CONCYTEC – Perú) and Guilhermo Murilo (LA Referencia)

Poster description:

The poster gives a summary of the implementation of a lightweight, easy-to-deploy, read-only alternative for a DSpace usage data collector compatible with Matomo and OpenAire usage statistics infrastructure. It sends usage data from individual repositories to an external regional aggregator by issuing read-only queries to the out-of-the-box DSpace Solr statistics subsystem.

The success of this kind of service depends on installing a collector component in every repository, so one of the main requirements was to provide a user-friendly, non-invasive and reliable deploying process for repository managers. This development is part of LA Referencia´s tasks in OpenAIRE Advance project, aimed to build a pilot on usage data exchange between Latin America and Europe open science infrastructures.

(Click on the image below to view and again to enlarge)

About the presenters:

Lautaro Matas (LA Referencia), César Olivares (CONCYTEC – Perú), Washington Segundo (IBICT – Brazil), Vanderlino Neto (CNEN – Brazil), Rino Vargas (CONCYTEC – Perú) and Guilhermo Murilo (LA Referencia)

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