Evolving the PID Landscape

This poster is part of the OR2020 Virtual Poster Session which takes place in the week of June 1-5. We encourage you to ask questions and engage in discussion on this poster by using the comments feature. Authors will respond to comments during this week.


Adam Vials Moore, Hilda Muchando, Monica Duke, Balviar Notay,  Christopher Brown, Alice Meadows, Josh Brown

Poster description:

The information landscape for infrastructure that captures and exposes scholarly communications and the associated individuals, organisations and connected entities has developed over the last several years. A set of persistent identifiers (PIDs) allow participants and their interactions and connections to be consistently captured and passed around within the infrastructure. In this paper we look at some of the recent identifiers, policies and communities that are working to bring about a connected web of open and accessible scholarly information to enable high quality science.

(Page through the slides below and click on the full screen window)

About the presenter:

Dr Adam Vials Moore currently works for Jisc as the UK ORCID senior community engagement and technical lead, as part of the team supporting the personal persistent identifier and broader work across PIDs. His background ranges from research into bioinformatics, affective adaptive e-learning and hypertext to supporting institutional infrastructure including Open Access outputs via CRIS and repositories.

One Reply to “Evolving the PID Landscape”

  1. Thank you for this poster. I will definitely share it with colleagues in order to understand the broader PID landscape better.

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