Stellenbosch University’s ORCID integration: The highs and the lows

This poster is part of the OR2020 Virtual Poster Session which takes place in the week of June 1-5. We encourage you to ask questions and engage in discussion on this poster by using the comments feature. Authors will respond to comments during this week.


Marié Roux

Poster description:

Stellenbosch University has implemented an integration with ORCID in 2016. By connecting clients’ ORCID IDs to their Stellenbosch University identities also store access to clients’ ORCID IDs, for the University to use in future integrations with ORCID, such as the institutional repository, SUNScholar.

The poster gives an overview of how the integration was set up. It will also give an overview of the numbers of clients who have connected their ORCID IDs to the integration, sorted by faculty and client category. A comparison between how many ORCID IDs exist at the different institutions of the South African ORCID Consortium is also included. Marketing holds a key to the success of the integration and therefore a summary and examples of marketing activities are listed. Lastly the poster addresses all the challenges which come with this project, for example effective communication across campus, software developments and other marketing strategies.

(Page through the slides below and click on the full screen window)

About the presenter:

Marié Roux is a Manager for Research Impact Services at Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service. She is also responsible for the coordination of the research related workshops for researchers and postgraduate students as part of the #SmartResearcher workshops series. Research Impact services at Stellenbosch University include bibliometrics, unique author identifiers and to make researchers aware of how to increase their impact.

4 Replies to “Stellenbosch University’s ORCID integration: The highs and the lows”

  1. Thanks for the virtual poster presentation, your integration looks very similar to what we are currently implementing in my institution. In your Challenges slide, you have listed “IT staff time” – this is of course always a concern for any project with an IT component. But considering the apparently narrow scope of your integration (just like ours) I feel that it shouldn’t be too much of a challenge as the system that needs to be maintained is relatively simple. This just my current opinion as we haven’t reached the production stage yet, so I’ll be grateful for any experience you are willing to share about this type of challenge!

  2. Hallo Alain, thanks for your comment! We had to register a project with our Campus IT to get this done, but yes you are correct, to maintain it is not a big problem. My comment on staff time is also related to further integrations with applications like DSpace. And staff time might be one of the reasons why we do not have any integration with any application/system yet. I do not want to go into further technical details here, but you are welcome to email me if you would like to discuss it further. And then I could also get input from our IT staff. (my email address is available on the slides) Good luck with your implementation!

  3. Hallo Daisy
    ORCID is not mandatory at Stellenbosch University, but because the National Research Foundation has mandated it, most researchers do need an ORCID iD.

    Re role players/champions. The Library execute most of the marketing actions, but our Division for Research Development assist a lot with these actions. We are able to use their distribution lists for news items. This prove the best way to reach our researchers. The Library’s Faculty Librarians also play a huge role in one-on-one assistance to researchers.

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